Today my son came home from school and informed me he was told to bring some Christmas jokes back to school for his show choir performance. In truth, every year they tell horrible campy schtick jokes during the Carnival and Carols performance and I wince, desperately wishing they would come up with something actually funny.
This year the director asked the students to come back with good material, and Camden was all shiny and hopeful that his comedian mother would supply him with some and make him look the star.
"I don't like to tell jokes" I said in a small meek voice. "I want to be a hu-mor-ist and tell funny stories."
"WHAT? You're a comedian?!#% And you don't like to tell jokes?"
Why am I such a misfit......
Totally got it! Except now I have songs from Rudolph going through my head. Thanks.
I had a wonderful time hanging out with you the other night. Glad to see you made it home. I even blogged about your wonderfulness.
Good to see you today! I'm excited to hear more from you Sally!
I am not just a nitwit. . .
You can't fire me, I quit!
Seems I don't fit in.
Heh heh - love this post, you always crack me up and somehow have so many similar experiences, it's freaky.
So, Hermey, whom am I? Rudolf or Yukon Cornelius?
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