Monday, April 5, 2010

A choice laugh

I crack myself up sometimes.  Actually, a lot of times.  When I'm onstage I laugh at things I say because I find them funny myself, which is why I decided to tell it to others as a joke in the first place.   I am not pretending, I am really laughing in tandem with my audience.
Other times I crack myself up because I am just ridiculous, or rather, my human nature is just ridiculous.  I say one thing and then do another.  I feel strongly and adamantly about something one day and then my actions counteract that feeling the next.  I wish I was more steady, more consistent, more unwavering in
my thoughts and actions.  My life feels like a perpetual teenagerhood... wondering what I will do when I
finally grow up. 
That's where I hope God cracks up too, just like I do when my boys do something I could have predicted because I've "been there and done that."  Watching them change and grow is something I relish, and while I hope they make good choices I also know that change in their choices is inevitable and exciting.
Their hearts are maturing, their lives are enriching, and their vision is expanding.  I don't begrudge them
this.  I smile, and in the end all I hope for is a choice that honors their Creator. 
Why would I think God would do any less for me?