Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Humble pie is actually Mighty tasty....

Have you ever found yourself wondering why you do what it is you are doing?
For example, when I had my first son, I used to lay face down on the carpet by his crib while he slept thanking God that He saw fit to make me a mom. An exaggeration? Nope. If you'd known me B.C. (before children) you'd understand. God was taking a chance on me... at least that's how I felt.
I had a similar experience this last weekend at a speaker's seminar I participated in. There I was with a group of ten women, all desiring to be better speakers, and all working in a learning lab to perfect our skills. I was the veteran of the group by far. Some of these newbies had just started to look into the possibility of speaking for the very first time. I thought I would be at the head of the class...
To my amazement, there were women in this group who were clearly born to speak. Articulate, polished, name it, they had it. I was humbled beyond belief. Here were women without my fourteen years of microphone experience, not to mention the 20+ years of musical theatre time, and they were twice as composed as I have ever been.
My conclusion? Five years ago I would have crawled into a hole and never spoken again. This time, I saw the humor and promise of what God has called me to: not by might, not by power, but by My Spirit, says the Lord.


Jenn Doucette said...

Wait a minute - have YOU been wondering why it is I do what I do too???? Egads!!

heh heh - love you, my friend!

I'd like to be an honorary blog friend, referred to forthwith as your flog.

p.s. you will get the best humble pie results when you buy the pre-made crusts from Safeway. F.Y.I.

Joanna said...

At least you got to use a fork with your humble pie. Mine just screams in-coming right before it slams into my face.

I think you can hold your own and then some.

jubilee said...

Just remember that they are doing it by His Spirit too. And I'll bet you have talents that they struggle with.

Glad you could see the humor and avoid the whole under the blanket thing - doesn't do much for the 'do I can tell ya from personal experience! Ha.

Unknown said...

I really needed to hear this Sally! Thanks for the post!!