Saturday, October 25, 2008

I just tried to place an order for something via the internet. I wanted to use the virtual sales rep to answer a few questions when I saw the words you rarely see...OFFLINE AT THE MOMENT. So, I tabled my need for the item and decided to come back to it later. Wow, no one is offline anymore. We are always buzzing and connected and multitasking and ready for business. When I saw those words, I realized I was jealous. I want to be offline for a little bit! I want to be able to take a minute off, breathe, and have the busyness of life table the need for me and come back later. Children aren't always that willing, and little ones just can't and shouldn't be tabled. But there are plenty of things in life I can go offline with to concentrate on the more important things. Find your offline moment today.

1 comment:

jubilee said...

So true and I often find myself getting online to bet a little me time. Is that weird?